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Chamasure is an insurance platform that helps organised informal communities access affordable and flexible insurance products as a group. Most of our target communities are normally left out of the existing insurance set up due to 'out of touch products, Low financial education and little or no access to providers.

We have built a digital platform that enables members of community / SME groups to self-onboard and purchase
insurance covers, self vet membership and participate as the primary claim processing point. As an incentive, we offer cashback to groups that have claims below a set threshold per year. This way members can flag fraudulent or non-deserving claims.

Besides, the platform has an education section with simplified content in a language users can easily

 At Chamasure, we strongly believe everyone should be able to access insurance and live a stable lifestyle. In our aim to help everyone TASTE INSURANCE (Our Slogan), we have build our app to enable easy set-up, fast claims processing and payment, seamless mobile payments, and 24/7 app support.

We are making insurance informal, social and consumable among local communities.



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